The Chai Chronicles
Chapter 1: The Journey Home It is a difficult endeavor to find a good Chai latte on the road. Over the 1600 mile or so space from Boulder, Colorado to Guelph, Ontario there seems to be a void covering most of the Interstate between Chicago and Buffalo where you cannot even find a Starbucks. And let me just say right off, that Starbucks doesn’t even qualify as decent chai, but it is often all you can come across in a pinch. Starting at the beginning; I have lived the last 12 some odd years of my life in a lovely little bubble called Boulder, Colorado. I am 25 now so I arrived in Boulder at a ripe age for impression. A complete book I could perhaps write on the many interesting ways Boulder has changed me, real or perceived, but this is not about all of that, this is about chai. At least the latter 10 years of these 12 I have become increasingly enamored of the elixir of happiness commonly known as the chai latte, soy latte in my case. The affair began in Boulder and has taken a number...