
Showing posts from November, 2007

First of many destinations for a Canadian moose

My aunt Andrea sent me a moose to capture (photographically) in exotic locations. The Moose unfortunately met with some difficulties when confronted by an overzealous border collie, who evidently took if for an illegal alien, and nearly lost an antler. I was able to save the affected antler and also to remove an unnecessary appendage (pictured). Time heals all wounds but it is unclear at this time whether I will regain the trust of this immigrant moose.


This experience is brought to you by generous and kind supporters: Cherry and Friends (Andrea, Colin, Graeme, Joan, Nick and Tristan Cherry and Jennifer Grant) Glynis Cherry Thom Crowley Karin DiGiacomo David Huff (musical accompaniment) Jim and Anne Huff Erin Livers Yotam Schachter Luke Stevenson Attendees of the "Tea, Tarot and a Trip" Divination Fund raising Dinner
November 6, 2007 Hello Friends, family and miscellaneous loved ones! Yes I am sorry this is a mass email and if you're the sort that finds that kind of thing terribly offensive than I apologize and suggest you don't respond to this email, HOWEVER if you desire to receive sometimes brilliant, sometimes rambling and always amusing emails from me whilst I travel the world than I urge you to respond affirmatively! Let's rewind a bit though shall we? Yes, here's the story... I am going on a trip! Yay! Moments ago I rashly purchased a one way ticket to Managua, Nicaragua despite, shall we say, financial strain. My intent is to wander some pathless woods (rainforest's) and [not so (unless I find some)] lonely shores. My friend Aviv and I have similarly wanderlust induced motivations and have decided upon this course of action. The reason I am emailing all of my lovely friends, family and acquaintances is because; A. you are all lovely, and B. I thought you might like to he...