November 6, 2007

Hello Friends, family and miscellaneous loved ones!

Yes I am sorry this is a mass email and if you're the sort that finds
that kind of thing terribly offensive than I apologize and suggest you
don't respond to this email, HOWEVER if you desire to receive
sometimes brilliant, sometimes rambling and always amusing emails from
me whilst I travel the world than I urge you to respond affirmatively!

Let's rewind a bit though shall we? Yes, here's the story... I am
going on a trip! Yay! Moments ago I rashly purchased a one way ticket
to Managua, Nicaragua despite, shall we say, financial strain. My
intent is to wander some pathless woods (rainforest's) and [not so
(unless I find some)] lonely shores. My friend Aviv and I have
similarly wanderlust induced motivations and have decided upon this
course of action. The reason I am emailing all of my lovely friends,
family and acquaintances is because; A. you are all lovely, and B. I
thought you might like to hear about my travels.

The history: When I traveled to Tanzania last summer I sent occasional
emails (when Arusha had power) concerning the experiences I was having
there and upon my return these emails had been widely circulated and
it seems people enjoyed them. Therefore I am emailing you all now to
see if you would like to be on a list to which I will send emails from
Central and South America, wheresoever in I may end up. They'll be
great I promise! Plus who knows I may be so far off the grid that they
will be rare and you won't be over encumbered by long dawdling
emails... like this one!

OR, if you'd rather, I can create a separate list of postal addresses,
yes that's right folks, snail mail! I like to write letters and
postcards are always fun to get so if you send me your addresses I'll
send you the strangest postcards I can find with the occasional pretty
one thrown in because, well, I like scenery too.

Now, I have been working at a non-profit organization for nearly a
year now and I have learned how to shamelessly ask for money! Here's
the thing, I'm really poor! You might rightfully ask why I am going to
South America for three months if I can't afford to? The answer is
many fold: I have lofty goals in this life, I am much more clear about
how to accomplish them when I travel, travel itself figures directly
into my goals which have to do with cross cultural environmental work,
I want to learn Spanish in a Spanish speaking setting, I'm seeking
specific thesis ideas for Graduate school and I like what's going on
in South America right now, and many other reasons some of which you
all know because you all know me. As far as money goes I can use
whatever I can get and I'm MORE than happy to work for it, I can do
yard work, babysitting, art, even divination! For long distance
people, if there is something you think I can do for you from here (it
might be hard to rake your leaves), please let me know.

But anyway, this email is really just to say hey to everyone, tell you
what I'm up to, and offer to amuse you every so often with my odd
lengthy emails. Hopefully you aren't all bored stiff already.

Cheers and peace and blessings and happy November,

Morgan Crowley


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