Me and Aviv play in a tide pool in Costa Rica, our own private, natural spa!

Dear all,

Taj Mahal: A monument to love, also, a momument to San Jose's Indian
food scene. Wow so much good! Aviv and I were becoming more and more
obsessed with the idea of getting Indian food somehow (this is
something we both love dearly) and last night our fantasy was
fulfilled with one amazing meal. Picture the most amazing tastes and
aromas from you favorite food, add to that a stunning setting with
beautiful interiors and a warm tropical breeze blowing through,
visualize moonlight and multiple courses. Best Indian Food I've ever
had and it was in San Jose, Costa Rica.

Rewinding a bit... I'm in Costa Rica (those of you who receive more
regular emails from me to assuage your fears of my doom already know
this). We crossed the chaotic (at best) border between Costa Rica and
Nicaragua on the winter solstice and the weather obliged by not
burning us with tropical sunlight whilst we stood in line after line
for 4 hours. We had just come from the dreamlike Island of Ometepe
where we stayed a week on Finca Zopilote (a farm). We slept in
hammocks and worked like good little worker bees in the mornings and
cooked delightful quiches and curries in the evenings. We hiked to
spectacular waterfalls and swam in the cool lake and sweated like pigs
because it was spectacularly hot as well. Grand old time it was. Only
setback, my dear Lionel's mp3 player he leant me was stolen, along
with the extra memory cards I had for my camera so I no longer have
any pictures of anything prior to Ometepe. This is sad but I was lucky
I did not lose anything more valuable or more important than things
which are easier replaced. Sleeping in a hammock outside is less than

Sleeping in a hammock outside is also remarkably condusive to
meditation and I felt wonderful there until the sleeping outside bit
caught up with me and I got cold. It was much much cooler at night up
at the farm and quite damp so the cold was kind of inevitable but it
was textbook arsenicum and I had that particular homeopathic remedy
and it remedied quickly as promised.

I hope that everyone had a fantastic holiday! We did manage to get to
San Jose to spend Christmas with my father but really the Christmas
spirit was kind of lacking with some madness afoot at his residence
and a general lack of funds for all parties so it was nice enough but
certainly the most bizzare Christmas I have ever experienced. A story
for another time perhaps.

Now, we are about to head out again. We are taking a brief soujourn to
the Pacific side to languish on the beach in the sun a little more and
to hike into Costa Rica's oldest National Park in search of,
hopefully, more waterfalls. I do love them, in fact I painted the
first one we went to. AND since we made the amazing discovery that
Aviv's mp3 player cord bits into my camera I can upload pictures now!
But not right now because I have to go but perhaps the next email will
be accompanied by a link to some pictures???

For now, I love you all and hope you're well in the colder climes. New
years should find me in Panama from whence we hope to cross

Cheers! Happy New Years!



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