Beautiful mountain view above Cuzco

Dear all,

it is diffficult to describe the events that have transpired since mylast email, it is as though another whole trip has occured in the lastmonth. Since leaving the farm in Ecuador we have been to beautifulbeaches, desert oasis, seen the most powerful sunsets, camped in avast desert under an eclipsing full moon, volunteered to clean trashfrom that desert (Peru is pretty much a vast desert until you get intothe mountains or over them into the Amazon), bathed in miracle greenwater, Aviv has gotten one beautiful tattoo, visited Incan ruins onhorseback, met amazing people, explored the oldest continuallyinhabited city in South America (Cuzco) and well, stayed there. Ifever there was a city that seemed to have all the qualities of a cityI could dream it was Cuzco.

Cuzco is where the story really begins. I am not certain I am yetequipped to tell that story as I am still in it but I will be headingback to Quito tomorrow evening in order catch my flight to Miami whereI hope to meet my new Niece due to be born on the 7th. I shall then beback in Denver on March 12 and once I´ve processed I shall relate all.I sincerely feel that through happenstance, synchronisity or fate youmight even say I have arrived in Cuzco for a reason. I, I should saywe as Aviv feels very similarly to me for her own just as importantreasons, I though feel I have been shown a map for a pathway I´vealways known I´d take but didn´t know where to begin.

When I set out from Boulder, my great and wonderful teacher, Karingave me a tarot reading for this trip. To summarize, is spoke aboutmajor transformation and a new path for me. I have been searching forthat path for the past couple of years if not all my life and that iswhat brought me here. Today my new path begins as Aviv, I, Joshua andPatrick (two of our new friends we´ve travelled with) go toparticipate in a ceremony of our own design but with ancient rootswhich is a sort of farewell for our group, and for me also abeginning. We will be watched over by a man who has many years ofexperience in such ceremony and whom I would call a Shaman. On thissubject I cannot speak much more as the experience is yet ahead of mebut you shall all be in my heart and I ask that you keep me in yourstoday.

The journey I have been on these past few months has been beautifuland powerful and changing. At the risk of sounding like an acceptancespeech, I must once again thank thank thank everyone who helped me gethere and supported me along the way. I love you all. I must also thankespecially Aviv who has been my companion and my great friend througheach new adventure.

This isn´t an especially descriptive email and I apologize buteverything is still swimming in my brain and I cannot make it into atale just yet.


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