Paradise found in Ecuador, complete with coconut balls. Since my last
upadate I have been residing on a farm called Never Never Land that
indeed we found by following stars! It was dark when we began the hike
up from the tiny town of Tumianuma but the stars were shining brightly
and the crazy quantities of fireflies were going off like flashbulbs
or tinkerbells all around us, magical moment indeed. We were lucklily
guided by a group of lost boys and girls who were returning to the
farm from a San Pedro ceremony quided by a local Shaman (San Pedro
being a cactus that grows all over the hills here, similar in this use
to Peyote.) A bunch of really good people they were and as I write now
we are on our way again from Ecuador to Peru acompanied by two of my
countrymen (and women) from Canada who we met that very night in that
very way.

Never Never Land was a fantastic place to spend two weeks and we are
intent on returning for another two weeks after we make the pilgrimage
to Machu Pichu and a little more beach time on the Pacific coast of
Peru with the beatiful Canadians and an English chica we met in Quito
who came to the farm behind us. The houses and veggie fields there are
set alongside a beautiful creek in a very steep sided valley. The
mountains all around were magnificent and green, we climbed one the
other day for Joshua´s (one of the two Canadian cats, Natalie being
the other and his sister) birthday, and lacking much in the way of an
actual trail, it was quite a climb! The wather ine hte creek is so
beautiful and clean and cool that it is fabulopus for both bathing and
drinking, I particularly enjoybed doing both at once. It has been a
dream of mine to come to a place where I could drink the water
straight from the stream and there I have now been. This valley is the
fabled source of the fountain of youth, I certainly failed to age
myself while there. I also did a considerable amount of baking with
that water baking youth brownies, tarts and cakes of all sorts! The
farm is a 40 minute hike from the very small town of Tumianuma which
is itself an hour by bus from the next larger town of Vilcabambama,
where we all weathered Carnival. Weathered being the appropriate term
to use, but a very fine time was had by all nonetheless drinking and
carousing in the streets and gettting doused, powdered, and sprayed by
various, apprantly amusing, substances.

Never Never Land (according to something I heard) is also located near
in addition to the fountain of youth, some sort of astrological power
point. To that I will simply say that the dreams one has there are
quite something. The other day, sleeping above the aptly named ¨dream
room¨ I dreamt of sailing on a flying Spanish treasure galleon to, of
course, Spain following a very little mermaid esque dream sequence.
Also, in line with the transformation oriented purpose of my trip, I
was the only one to continually see snakes on the farm. I´m not sure
that it counts as a transformation but one thing that this trip has
brought out of me at every turn has been my interest in healing. I
have been called upon repeatedly for my limited knowlege of herbalism
and homeopathy but what I do know I have put to good use and the
people around me have come to relay on that some. I was even begining
to learn the uses of some local herbs for treatment of stomach issues
because that is what happens to everyone when they´re traveling. So
say´s the Tarot this trip will lead me to a new project that is
service oriented (in a nutshell.) Studying herbalism has been
something I have passively done for some time but wanted to do more
formally it seems as though this might be what I begin when I return
to Boulder.

As I said, from here we head to Peru, our group now having grown to
five for the time being. First we´re all heading back down to the
coast for some sun (up here by the farm it is sometimes quite cool as
the elevation is similar to Denver (5280 feet). I really need to work
on my celtic tan, which is of course a burn in fact. At some point in
the next two weeks I hope to reach my pilgrimage like goal of
surmounting Machu Pichu with my dear friend Aviv, who I am now
begining to dread the thought of leaving to return to my life in

Must be off this damnable machine and back into the world around me. I
do hope all are well as I an Aviv who is getting very cute with her
spikey hair! My hair however is just getting longer.


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