Sun soaked Calendula
- 4 cups of Calendula petals
- 3 cups of Apricot Kernal Oil
- 1.5 cups of Brandy
- 10 Sticky fingers
- Sunshine, a cool breeze and Bliss

There is dirt under my fingernails, and a recently built and finally soil filled (because I finally fixed the wheelbarrow) flower boxes along the garden shed (AKA the "Possibility Pagoda"). Peppers and cucumbers transplanted, a makeshift trellis constructed, and a couple of Datura discovered in the compost heap moved into a more central and stately location... where I can more easily sit in the moonlight and watch them bloom. There is Calendula tinctured in Brandy and infusing in oil, resin on my fingers from picking hundreds of flower buds and I've only pulled less than a third of the flowers currently blooming in my garden... hundreds more buds await, hundreds have gone to seed already. Calendula is abundant, it is sun soaked and giving. It offers a taste of the sun even in the dark of winter.
There is a kind of euphoria that accompanies the scent of Calendula, or the direct infusion through the skin of the resin from handling it. A feeling alike spending a little too long in the sun, but without getting burned. A slightly narcotic feeling gained by simply picking flowers, sitting cross legged under the little cherry tree and making medicine from what grows so readily and near at hand. This is magic, this is bliss, it's soul calming... it's a calling.
At this moment in my life, this garden is my salvation, my sanctuary, my solace. It is at least one thing I know I am doing right, during a period of change when so much feels off, so many layers to shed and re-shed, depths to find and find again. Finding that Spring within, the Source, the Beloved can be such a challenge amidst a life full of stress and busyness. To just sit and breath and be in the garden brings peace and connection, and the sensation of inspiration bubbling up from within.