...and that was it.
after three months of cartwheels and landslides, three months of laying on our backs exhausted in all different sorts of dirt, three months of crushed flowers and foreign garbage, popcorn and coca leaves, eggs and tea - a hurried goodbye, girlish shouting in the airport, and a promise to see each other again in the cave, still decorated with all the samples of our affection for pachamama.
morgan and i met in nicaragua, thousands of kilometeres north of where i am now, thousands of kilometers south of where she is. i remember being so confused, tired, and so happy to see her, throwing the pack which has since been lost to the ether on the ground and embracing her while i lit my triumphant cigarette of arrival. waterfalls, desserts, newfamilies, new words, jokes and joints, flashing the passport at everyborder and turnign that magic key to crawl into new lands, again and again. all those millions of hours like a bug with too many leggs spent turning into the weird bus aliens. its difficult to believe that a moving pen, having writ, can really move on just like that - i lookaround to tell morgan somethign funny, but shes on another continent again.this is how it goes.
its spring now north of the equator, and i know morgan will watch all those clouds part over the rockies and remember the little one clinging to the volcano at ometepe, and remember me. i know she´ll roll in the colorado grasses for me, because id do it for her.

this 3months of whirlwind vacationing has taken it out of me. though i havent stayed in one place for long since i left home a hundred yrs ago, i have also not spent much time doing what weve been doing -going from bus to hostel to bus to nature hike to restaurant to dance party to beach to bus to hostel. i am delighted to be snuggling now into cusco, the bellybutton of this earth, to drink carrot ginger juice every sunrise and watch my heart pound less and less as it gets used to the altitude. i am excited to have a job and somewhere to go for a few hrs every day, excited to make friends who arent leaving in the morning. its nice to have no schedule. i cant wait to smell the flowers.

through this crazy email list you have all been with us every step of the way. i feel like fantasia and you have all been reading morgan´s neverending story, this part of which i have been blessed to be a protagonist of. thank you all for your interest and energy, whichfuels us to fuel you with stories and puts us together in a lovely circle. this is the point of it all.

keep paying attention tomorgstar, she is a superhero, and will probably save the world.
peace out,aviv

That's right folks now if you'll kindly make some wishes (donations) pronto, aviv's kingdom won't dissapear into the Nothing.

Ahh what a whirlwind adventure it was; the winds howl around you so fast as long as you're moving that you get all caught up and befudled and think the journey will last forever and then, before you can try to locate Kansas below you, suddenly the wind drops you on top of a political hotbed (Wicked Witch of the East/ Florida) and another adventure entirely begins. This one begins with a birth, as many do, and the world welcomes onto stage right little Maya Marquez, my new neice.

My final days with Aviv (accepting of course that we are still in the cave) were spent on the sometimes luxurious, sometimes smelling of toilets busses between Cuzco, Peru and Quito, Ecuador because we had exactly 4 days to get from one to the other. Fortunately or not (too early to tell) we did make it and I boarded a plane to my current location, in Miami Florida at my sisters house. From here I managed to be interviewed and accepted for a job with the City of Boulder Open Space & Mountain Parks before even returning to Boulder. Once I finally do get back to Boulder (tomorrow), a town I always leave because I dearly love returning to, I have two days to adapt before getting right to work! Lord the culture shock, though after Miami, Boulder will be a breeze. Indeed things are all going a little too smoothly for me...us... to be entirely convinced that we have yet left the cave, the cave being where we were in the day before we "left"Cuzco.

I've spoken of mystical places and people from Nicaragua to Peru, of ceremonies involving candles to cactuses, of farming and feasting and I've spoken of friends. It was all that and more, and less it cannot be// than all the sea which only is deeper than the sea. From my place in my sisters living room where I have had plenty of time to reflect and watch television (because she had to go off and have a baby...the nerve) I saw an advertisement for a clothing label telling me that a journey (as compared with a simple trip) is an underaking that changes you. This then, according to some fancy cloth sticher or another, has been rightfully recalled as our journey. Aviv and I are very nearly opposit forces and we have acted equally on each other. It was indeed most mad and moonly. When Aviv sent me her half of this email she remarked that she attempted to write it in my style, by which she meant it posessed a beginning, a middle, and an end. Ahh yes, structure, my "style", por que yo soy una capricorna. However, since I am an Aquarius this year and in honor of Aviv I shall not end this.
Once upon a time...


"podran cortar todas las flores, pero no podran detener la Primavera"
-Pablo Neruda

love is more thicker than
forget more thinner than recall
more seldom than a wave is wet
more frequent than to fail

it is most mad and moonly
and less it shall unbe
than all the sea which only
is deeper than the sea

love is less always than to win
less never than alive
less bigger than the least begin
less littler than forgive

it is most sane and sunly
and more it cannot die
than all the sky which only
is higher than the sky
- ee cummings


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