Once I dreamed of the Sea in Springtime and the dream filled my soul with music and beauty, with impulse and desire and yearning for a different way. Though the Sea in Springtime was often unpredictable I loved it, too, for that. It could be rough and tempestuous at times, but it was all part of the spell. The depth and hue of the Spring Sea was so enchanting and captivating, none who dreamed the dream wanted to wake only to find themselves again on on hard, dry land. Those, like me, who dreamed this dream, found all they wanted to do from then was float in the Spring Sea again. She was always obliging, inviting. Anyone who dared enter Her domain were welcome to stay, to flow along as long as they could, or would. Welcome to shine brightly under the sun, glow under the moon, welcome to keep mystical secrets with Her, to speak Her language. The dreamers were welcome to surrounded by Her beauty if they were willing to taste also Her salt. I dreamed this dream, once, of the Sea in Springt...
Dear Facebook [originally published there, republished here for Sarah Osborne], we both know I am too verbose for this to ever work. I would apologize for my selfish ways but I will never curb this habit and so it would be terribly insincere of me to do so. I suppose I could publish this instead on one of my many blogs but I'm pretty sure only Sarah Osborne would see it there. I might post it there just for her anyway. A few days ago I purchased a less than shiny but nonetheless glowing in a new-to-me sort of way cherry red bicycle. I am in love with it. We've had such wonderful times together already in our still fresh and short affair. I was just riding it home from my favourite coffee shop in downtown Boulder which was beginning to wind down for the night anyway and I was beginning to develop a fierce and insistent hunger for the avocado I'd been meaning to eat these past few days. Perhaps in part due to the feeling of joy I experience riding this bicycle, perhaps i...
Aviv´s awesome tattoo. Reads: ¨podran cortar todos las flores pero, no podran detener la Primavera¨-Pablo Neruda. Transalation: "you can cut down al the flowers, but you can't stop the Spring"